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Congratulations to Eric Assaf, 3rd year graduate student in the Miller group and member of the AMPED EFRC Catalysis Team, who has been accepted to the editorial board of the DOE EFRC quarterly newsletter Frontiers in Energy Research.

This newsletter disseminates the exciting work being done at the Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs). The EFRCs, funded by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences at the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, represent a unique approach, bringing together creative, multidisciplinary scientific teams to perform energy-relevant basic research with a complexity beyond the scope of single-investigator projects. These centers take full advantage of powerful new tools for characterizing, understanding, modeling, and manipulating matter from atomic to macroscopic length scales. They also train the next-generation scientific workforce by attracting talented students and postdoctoral researchers interested in energy science. The newsletter is developed by EFRC early career scientists who are dedicated, curious, and committed to communicating science.

Eric has already stepped up to a leadership role in the AMPED EFRC as Coordinator of the Catalysis Team, assisting with research planning and communications.  Eric is enthusiastic about the opportunity to use his combined interests in research and science writing to contribute to the Frontiers in Energy Research newsletter and to communicate the efforts of researchers working on projects supported by the DOE EFRC program.

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